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Reflecting on a Busy Day: English Diary Monologue Script
The Key Expressions and Words Whirlwind: Â A metaphorical expression describing something happening very quickly and chaotically. At the...

Marketing Report Meeting: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Kick off the meeting:  An informal phrase meaning to start or begin a meeting. Exceeded expectations:...

The purpose of Learning English: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words On my radar:  An idiom meaning to be aware of or consider something. Gateway:  A metaphor for an entry...

Talking About Hobbies: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words What got you into it? : An informal question asking how someone became interested in or started with a...

Asking a Colleague for a Favour: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Have you got a minute? : A polite way to ask if someone is free to talk briefly. What’s on your mind? : A...

Scheduling a Meeting: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Have you got a minute: A polite way to ask for someone’s time. Sort out: An idiom meaning to organise,...

Discussing Social Media: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Double-edged sword: An idiom meaning something that has both positive and negative aspects. Take up a lot...

Discussing Opinions on Digitisation: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Step forward:  A phrase meaning a positive move toward progress or improvement. Need to be addressed:  A...

Talking About Daily Routines: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
※ The podcast will be available soon. Key Expressions and Words Talk me through : A casual way to ask someone to explain or describe...

Talking About a Productive Daily Routine: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The  Key Expressions and Words Early riser: Someone who wakes up early in the morning. Ease into the day: To start the day in a relaxed,...

Talking About Their Homeland: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Put a face to the name : An idiom meaning to meet someone in person after previously knowing them through...

At the Airport Check-In Desk: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Get this over with : A common phrase meaning to complete an unpleasant or tedious task. Bit of a faff :...

Asking to Change Seats at the Airport Check-In Desk: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Let’s sort this out : An informal phrase meaning to resolve or fix a problem. Commonly used in British...

Reflecting on Student Life: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Real rollercoaster :  An idiom describing an experience with many highs and lows. Plenty of ups and...

Asking About Train Transfers: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Sort out: A phrase meaning to organise or resolve something that’s unclear or confusing. Doesn’t make much...

Talking About Career and Skills: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words What drew you to : A phrase used to ask what attracted or interested someone in a particular thing, person,...

Talking About Favourite Food: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words A bit of a foodie:  Someone who enjoys and has a keen interest in food and cooking. Comfort food:  Food...

Chatting with a Colleague During a Break: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Fancy a cup of tea: A casual way of asking if someone would like tea, common in British English. Hectic...

First Meeting Online: English Conversation Script for Intermediate Level
The Key Expressions and Words Put a face to the name:  To meet someone in person (or virtually) after knowing them only by name. Go-to...

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